Unification of natural resources and people for benefit.
This is the Minserv mission for responsible mining.
About Minserv
- Headed up by Prof Fred Cawood, Minserv is a services company operating principally in the minerals sector.
- Its focus is to provide a service and to do research for developing the answers to some of the many twenty-first century questions and problems facing the sector in a developing country context. Responsible conversion of resources in the ground gives benefit above the ground and such benefit spreads along the value chain.
- A resource can only be converted into money if it comes out of the ground – money that can be used to pay the costs of mining while ensuring enough profit to benefit everyone. Such economical extraction for benefit happens when skilled people use advanced mining systems. A developing country must work with what it has at its disposal.
- This means that resources in the ground and people on top of the ground must unite for benefit and prosperity.
- Such unification of natural resources and people for benefit is the Minserv mission for responsible mining.
- This happens when the policies and laws are of an enabling nature – demanding efficiency and professionalism.
- The Minserv logo illustrates this using an arrow carrying benefit and opportunity from underground resources to the people living on top of them.
To deliver on its mission of responsible mineral resource management, Minserv can be commissioned to do the following strategic work:
(select a service below to view more details)

Support service at a country policy or company strategic level
This is consultancy-type research regarding how strategic mine/mineral techno-economic-policy issues affect the mining industry and government. Past projects include mineral policy development, explaining impacts for parliamentary portfolio committees and preparing documents for legal arguments.

Twenty-first century mining services
This work is a project advisory service on the design and development of mining business development systems, more specifically for geospatial monitoring and risk management using intelligent mining systems.
View Presentation: Design and Development of Smart Integrated Mining Systems (SIMS)

Skills development for twenty-first century mining
Minserv has partnered with Better4Life Training & Development to form the BetterServ group, which has a strategic adult skills development focus in a changing world of work environment. For more details visit www.betterservgroup.com